Young In GC
Gas Chromatograph

ChroZen GC
Dedicated Analyzer
Our accumulated experience in gas chromatography and devotion for customers’ satisfactions led to supply one stop solution for various dedicated applications. You only need to let us know what to analyze, and then every single component that is required to analyze your sample will be configured right away.
Natural Gas Analyzer
Natural Gas Analyzer with accurate valve switching function vents unnecessary components and sends significant things in time to the appropriate columns and detectors for optimized analysis of natural gas containing low level of oxygen (< 3%), isomers and compounds more than C4 which are not needed for analysis results. * Standard Method Support: ASTM D1945, etc.
Residual Solvent Analyzer
Residual Solvent Analyzer coupling with headspace autosampler can accurately and efficiently detect and quantify residual solvents found in the inks used for the printing of packaging and raw materials for food and drug products, which are known to be hazardous to human health if ingested.
Fatty Acid Analyzer
Fatty Acid Analyzer is suitable to analyze various fatty acids to determine the ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in fat and provides all the solution from the preparation to the method set-up.
VOC Analyzer
VOC analyzer optimized to analyze VOCs in aqueous samples that can have a bad long-term influence on human health accurately analyzes trace level of VOCs (ppt level by P&T or SPME Arrow). It equips all necessary configuration for the analysis including detailed procedures and protocols, which are in full compliance with approved U.S. EPA methods.
Sulfur Analyzer
Sulfur Analyzer provides increased sensitivity and selectivity with PFPD (Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector) for the analysis of sulfur compounds at trace levels as well as the analysis method achieving ASTM 6228.
Refinery Gas Analyzer
With the availability of no. of installation (3 for each detector and inlet), Refinery Gas Analyzer can configure several columns, switching and sampling valves as well as the appropriate detectors to analyze the complex and difficult refinery gas samples. * Standard Method Support : ASTM D4815, D5580, D7423, D6730, D1946, etc.
Residual Pesticide Analyzer
Residual Pesticide Analyzer equipped with ECD or NPD is the optimized system to separate complex mixture of compounds containing organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides and to run EPA methods. We also provides the analyzer equipped with GC/MS for quantitation of pesticides at trace levels.
Phthalate Analyzer
Phthalate Analyzer excels at detection and quantitation of regulated phthalates that became concern and into force in restrictions on the use of certain substances such as children’s toys, medical devices and food packaging, which are directly related to the human health.
Biodiesel Analyzer
Biodiesel Analyzer identifies and quantifies impurities in biodiesel as an alternative fuel today and provides all solution including the sample preparation and the method set-up while achieving excellent reproducibility and resolution.

YL6500 GC
Our accumulated experience in gas chromatography and devotion for customers’ satisfactions led to supply one stop solution for various dedicated applications. You only need to let us know what to analyze, and then every single component that is required to analyze your sample will be configured right away.
“Why is it called “dedicated applications?” – Because we provide everything you need.
- Properly configured GC (Inlets, Detectors, Valves, Methanizers, etc.)–
- Suitable sample preparation system/accessories
- Standard solutions
- Chromatography data system with saved methods
- Analytical columns
- Accessories (Traps, Syringes, etc.)
- Related application notes
Residual Solvent Analysis
Organic residual solvents used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and found in the inks used for the printing of packaging materials for food and drug products are known to be hazardous to human health if ingested. Residual Solvent Analyzer can accurately and efficiently detect and quantify residual solvents.
Fatty Acid Analysis
In the food industry, the quality management for products is conducted by analyzing esterified fatty acids to determine the ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in fat. For fatty acids have many isomers to be separated, they are commonly analyzed by gas chromatograph after esterified to Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) to avoid peak tailings in a direct injection of fatty acid and column clogging. It’s very important to set an oven program because the polar or moderately polar capillary columns used in this analysis have low temperature limit. The order of peaks must be indentified first for the eluted peaks of fatty acids are different in the use of polar or moderately polar capillary columns. Fatty Acid Analyzer is suitable to analyze various fatty acids and provide all the solution from the preparation to the method set-up.
Refinery Gas Analysis
Refinery gas is a mixture of gases generated during refinery processes which are used to process crude oil into various petroleum products. Analyzing refinery gas has been getting very important in environmental fields because there are several components or chemicals in it that can potentially harm the environment if released unchecked. Due to the fact of installation detectors and inlets up to 3, Refinery Gas Analyzer can configure several columns, switching and sampling valves as well as the appropriate detectors to analyze the complex and difficult refinery gas samples.
TOGA (Transformer Oil Gas Analysis)
Oil based transformer insulating fluids are known to release combustible gases, which can decrease the efficiency of the insulating fluid while creating a dangerous situation. TOGA System is a state of the art system for efficiently and accurately monitoring the buildup of combustible gases in the insulating oils of transformer. Such monitoring can prevent an accident from occurring, as well as ensure that the insulating oil is functioning under optimal conditions.
VOC Analysis
VOC Analyzer accurately tests the presence of VOCs and measures their concentration. The analyzer contains all necessary reagents and equipment for conducting the analysis including detailed procedures and protocols for conducting the tests. These protocols are in full compliance with approved U.S. EPA methods.
Pyrolysis GC Analysis
Pyrolysis-GC system is a state of the art system for obtaining information on the ingredients found in various non-volatile and low-soluble polymers such as nylon, wax, paint, film, wood and plastic products. The targeted material or sample is heated to be fragmented into its individual constituents, which are then separated and identified by the GC System.
Natural Gas Analysis
Analysis of natural gas requires a very complicating configuration because it contains low level of oxygen (< 3%), isomers and compounds more than C4 which are not needed for analysis results. Natural Gas Analyzer can be configured in ideal with accurate valve switching venting unnecessary components and collecting significant things in time to the appropriate columns and detectors.

YL6900 GC/MS
Stable, Powerful and Reliable
YL6900 GC/MS is a powerful mass spectrometer developed by dedication of technologists with twenty five years of experience in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The innovative GC/MS supports the highest scanning speed (20,000 amu/sec) across every GC peak which ensures high performance of analysis with narrow-bore capillary columns for faster analysis. It also provides the widest mass range (1~1,200 amu) as well as very low instrument detection limit (less than 10 fg of OFN). Its operational simplicity, powerful tuning protocols and the highest productivity with automation for users are to spend less time from sample injection to results
Phthalate Analyzer with GC/MS
Phthalates are used in a wide range of common products and mainly used as plasticizers added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. However, they have been revealed which effecting to change hormone levels and cause birth defects in studies of rodents exposed to certain phthalates, they became concern and into force in restrictions on the use of certain substances in all products intended for children under specific ages in worldwide. YCM Phthalate Analyzer with GC/MS excels at detection and quantitation of regulated phthalates in children’s toys, medical devices and food packaging that are related directly to the human health.
VOC Analyzer with GC/MS
Volatile organic compounds, organic chemicals and also known as VOCs, which have a low boiling point, can be present everywhere in our lives such as in the surrounding air and in the environmental water and land. There are about 300 VOCs known and 70 VOCs are easily dissolved in aqueous sample like drinking water and they can have a bad long-term influence on human health. Hence there are many methods applied to analyzing of VOCs according to the regulations. YCM VOC analyzer is optimized to analyze VOCs in aqueous samples and it accurately analyze trace level of VOCs (ppt level by P&T or SPME Arrow) by YL6500 GC coupled with mass spectrometer (GC/MS).
Residual Pesticide Analyzer with GC/MS
As the need of food growing worldwide, agricultural demand for pesticide gets increased highly and also the related government departments strongly restrict the use of pesticides. It led the need to test commercially available pesticides with fast and accurate method assuring the safety of agricultural food. YCM Residual Pesticide Analyzer with GC/MS is the optimized system to separate complex mixture of compounds containing organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides and to run EPA methods. This can eliminate the interferences from overlapping compounds creating simultaneous data at once.
Residual Solvent Analyzer with GC/MS
For pharmacopeial purposes, residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as organic volatile chemicals that are used or produced in the manufacture of drug substances or excipients, or in the preparation of drug products. Also, organic residual solvents found in the inks used for the printing of packaging materials for food and drug products are known to be hazardous to human health if ingested. With accurate sample preparation method support, YCM Residual Solvent Analyzer satisfies with quantitation of hazard residual solvents at trace levels
Gas Chromatograph Accessories

ChroZen ATD
ChroZen ATD is an automated thermal desorption system which enhances productivity by 50 sorbent tubes capacity and smart sequence overlapping function. With two-stage desorption, it also utilizes versatile thermal desorption by concentrating volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds collected on a sorbent tube into a focusing trap to enable the analysis of VOCs at trace level with the superior sensitivity. The ChroZen ATD guarantees more reliable data through inert sample path using SilcoNert® up to 350℃ of heating capability and automatic leak check before every desorption while minimizing the carryover for reproducible results.

ChroZen PAL LSI System
ChroZen PAL LSI(Liquid Sample Injection) System is a robot that can reach any three dimensional position within its working space and is ideally suited to pick and place objects like vials. It can inject from several sample containers into different inlets or transport vials from a tray to a temperature controlled modules like the agitator for heating samples or the peltier stack for cooling them down to 4°C. Ensuring superior repeatability, ChroZen PAL LSI system provides liquid sample injection with large sample capacity(648 of 2ml vials).
ChroZen PAL RSI/RTC System
ChroZen PAL RSI(Robotic Sample Injection)/RTC(Robotic Tool Change) systems can be adapted or extended to provide the combined injection techniques such as static headspace injection, liquid injection, SPME(Solid Phase Micro Extraction) and ITEX(In-Tube Extraction) dynamic headspace on one instrument. ChroZen PAL RSI/RTC systems have numerous options that allow to increase sample capacity and add change injection techiques or modules for sample preparation. The basis for precise and accurate handling of gaseous and liquid samples are formed by PAL’s mechanical precision and robustness. The PAL RSI’s open and modular architecture makes the PAL the most versatile system and the tools can be exchanged readily within minutes. ChroZen PAL RTC system provides same reliability, flexibility and productivity as the RSI system but it additionally offers the robotic tool change that switches between different tools automatically. This means you can run the unattended analysis including complex sample preparations and injections.

ChroZen TQ LC/MS
ChroZen Triple Quadrupole LC/MS is the most optimized solution for reliable quantification and qualification of thousands of real samples in the fastest ‘Sample-to-Report’ Time.

Clarity Software
Clarity is advanced chromatography data station with software modules for data acquisition, data processing, and instrument control. Its wide range of data acquisition interfaces (A/D converters, LAN, USB, RS232) allows connection to virtually any chromatograph.
• Easy to install and use
• Direct control of chromatography instruments
• Modules for specific calculation and methodology
• Tools for regulated environment
• Extended user support
• Competitive pricing
• OEM versions
• Language localizations

ChroZen Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is the right solution to achieve greater insight of the samples with the extremely selective and sensitive data for quantitative and qualitative information.